Active Shooter (ALICE Training)
How to deal with the unthinkable!
Seminar Length:
Approximately 1 ½ – 2 Hrs. depending on questions.
Cost: $150
Seminars scheduled by arrangement / invitation at your location.
It wasn’t to many years ago that we thought our schools and houses of worship were safe places. Unfortunately, we now realize that is not always true anymore. We cannot afford to live in denial.
Churches and non-profits are waking up to the fact that violence can happen anywhere and that we have a responsibility to protect against the “unthinkable”!
We can start by providing the necessary information / training to our staff, volunteers and our congregations on what they are to do if the unthinkable (active shooter) situation were to happen. The old paradigm of “lockdown” and wait for the police to arrive has proven not to be the best answer.
The average police response time (nationally, according to the FBI) is 6 – 8 minutes! 70 % of Active Shooter events last less than 5 minutes with 2 – 4 people dying per minute! 60 % of Active Shooter events were over before police arrived! Therefore, we have to be our own responders! (For security plans, polices, procedures and security teams, please see the “Security Consulting Page”).
The training many schools, churches, non-profits and businesses are providing is called ALICE training.
A.L.I.C.E. —–Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate
ALERT: most important (location & description of “killer)”
LOCKDOWN: (but only if you can’t get out)
INFORM: an extension of the ALERT
COUNTER: easily taught, uses skills everyone already has
EVACUATE: The preferred response
This group training presentation takes about 1 ½ to 2 hours depending on questions. Cost is $150.
Please call or email and we can coordinate a date & time or answer any questions you may have.
(907) 229-7141