2025 Schedule:
30 May – 31 May (6 PM – 9:30 PM Fri & 9 AM – 4 PM Sat) $180
This is a 1 ½ day (12 hour) course beginning on a Friday evening from 6 – 10 PM and continuing ( Saturday from 8 AM – 4 PM). The goal of this course is to develop in students the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a firearm for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding citizen’s right to self-defense.
After reviewing the basic gun handling safety rules and the safe storage of a personal protection pistol, the class will discuss mental preparation, levels of awareness and confronting an intruder. We will look at the psychological & physiological reactions to a critical incident, discuss how to make yourself and your home safe, emergency plans & safe rooms. The class will cover what to consider when selecting a pistol for self-defense, firearms and the law presented by an attorney, the Castle doctrine, use of lethal force and the emotional and legal aftermath of a defensive shooting. The students will learn defensive pistol skills, review the range rules, complete a written test and range firing at the Rabbit Creek Range.
Range time involves firing some warm up exercises then for the state permit requirement, 7 out of 10 shots must hit a silhouette at 7 yards then from 15 yards, you must hit 6 out of 10 to pass.
Additional topics include:
- AK Concealed Carry Permit Application with Exempt card
- Concealed Carry Frequently Asked Questions
- Listing of States with Reciprocity
- Hiding the Fighting Pistol
- Choosing the Right Holster for You
- Concealed & Open Carry Options
- Practice Safely Drawing a Concealed Handgun
- After the Smoke Clears – What to Do & Not Do – -What to Say & Not Say
- Anchorage Area Self-Defense Attorney Listing
The following is a list of required equipment.
Equipment listed with an (*) is suggested but not required to attend.
- Good Attitude
- Handgun of .380 caliber or larger that you have shot at least 50 rounds in within 30 days prior to the course (caliber exceptions considered only on a case by case basis & must be approved in advance).
- 100 Rounds of Factory Ammunition (for warm-up exercises & permit requirement)
- 2 Magazines (Semi-Autos) or 2 Speed Loaders (Revolvers)
- Brimmed Hat (Baseball Hats Work Fine)
- Appropriate Range Gear / Clothing: long pants, closed toe shoes or boots, basically clothing appropriate for the weather / temperature. .
- Eye & Ear Protection
- Bottled Water, Sack Lunch, Snacks, etc.
- * Pen & Paper For Notes
2) Must be 21 years of age to obtain an Alaska Concealed Handgun Permit
3) Fingerprint & photo ($35) required for handgun permit, may be obtained before or after the course. Suggest using “Cas Tech Fingerprinting Services” (907-337-5002) located in strip-mall behind Golden Donuts – – corner of Lake Otis & Tudor.
4) The AK Concealed Handgun Permit application fee of $88.25 is payable to the “State of Alaska” at time of submission.
Students must be proficient with their handgun as this is not a beginner’s “learn how to shoot” course. This means you know how to load, unload, open the action and shoot a 12” group at 7 yards. PLEASE do not show up with a handgun you have never fired before. (Please call if you are not sure if you are eligible.)
To Register – – go to COURSE REGISTRATION page
Military Discount: 10% to Retired or active duty and their spouses.